Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’


1) The time i got stung by a sting ray (growing up)

2) Moving into high school, (growing up)


The two chunk paragraph

TS The House on Mango Street and son, both contain the theme the abuse of women.

CD From The House on Mango Street, Sally says, “He never hits me hard.”

CM Sally is Esperanza’s friend, she wants to go to a new home because of her dads beatings.

CM When sally does get married at a young age it doesnt get any better, she says, ” She is happy, except for some times her husband gets angry and once he broke the door where his foot went through, though most days he is okay.”

CD The father says,” duty calls, the social contract is a balance of compromises,” knowing that this would infuriate her.

CM This shows that the women are not respected and just tools of life to men.

CM This shows that all of the women are not important and expendable to most men.

CS The abuse of women is a reoccuring theme in Son and The House on Mango Street.

classwork 6 again


1. below him, irksome voices grind on, like machines working their way through tunnels. simile

2. up in de mornin’,down at de school, work like a debt for my grades.  alliteration

3. accepts the role of aggressor. assonance

The House on Mango Street

1. My papa’s hair is like a broom, all up in the air. simile

2. My hair is lazy. personafication

3.And kiki, who is the youngest, has hai like fur. simile

4. It is  the mexican name records my father plays on sunday mornings when he is shaving, songs like sobbing. simile

5.It is like the number nine. Simile

6.And what about the kind that looks like you combed its hair. simile

The first one is a simile because it uses like. the second one is alliteration, it has de,de ,de dept.the third one is assonance, it relates to the house on mango street because ther was some family violence. I think that The House on Mango Street did a better job of using these elements. The house on mango street used them more often than “Son”, and made them part of the story more than “Son”.

classwork 7

                  There was goodsentance fluencey. I liked the storyline. It was well put together. It needed to be finished.

Classwork 6

                  I need to work on my spelling and maybe some grammar. I need to fix some  kinds of sentance fluency. I am goin to fix these things by having my mom edit it. I will also  try to edit it myself. After this I will have a finished draft.

Problem-solution essay

1) The 35-kilowatt turbine is positioned downstream from an existing

hydroelectric-plant dam and it will increase the capacity of the plant by

more than 5 percent.

2) These hydro powered turbines are the wind turbine for water.

3) Hydrokinetic turbines like those produced by Hydro Green and verdant,

capture the mechanical energy of the water’s flow and turn it into energy,

without need for a dam.

4) The lack of need for a dam will allow the fishing industry to continue while

providing clean energy.

5) And in the meantime, investors will continue to scour the planet for

companies and technologies that could benefit from Barack Obama’s plans to

create green jobs.

6) Creating green jobs will provide a clean, renewable energy source and

help our economy.

Classwork 4

-Did I write the memoir smothly?

-Are my sentances too choppy?

-Does my story jump around?

-Is the story repetitive? Do the sentance all start the same?

-Does the dialoge make sense?




-Saying the same word to much

-Sentace structure

-Word choice

Classwork 3 quarter 2

          I learned that you make more mistakes than you realize. You can leap all of those mistakes just by doing this list. So I will be adding a concluding paragraph, fixing verbs to make it sound more intense. I will be trying to avoid contractions, and other errors. Thats my list of things to do.

Finnal progect paragraph 3

TS In “The most Dangorous Game” is Critical of racists.

CD “I hunt people” sayed Zaroff, ” the only animal that can reason, instinct is no mach for reason.”

CM This shows me that he is racist too everyone but himself.

CM He is a racist person that needs to go down.

CS So in concusion Zaroff is a racist person.

Finnal progect Paragraph 2

TS Elana in “Amarican  History” should not react diffrently to Eugene’s mom because of the time period she is in.

CD In the sixty’s if you were not white and you reacted diffrently you could be arrested for it.

CM She, for her time period acted correctly.

CM For our current time period she could have called her bad words or tryed to see if Eugene was inside.

CS So in conclusion for her time and place, she acted correctly.